It’s Illegal For Your Landlord to Do These 7 Things in Texas
The reasons for moves vary. It could be as simple as just needing a change in scenery. It could be as complex as finances are not the same. It could be as devastating if your landlord or property management company is not treating you fairly or properly.
How Your Landlord Could Be Breaking the Law
Some landlords or property management companies won't make repairs in an appropriate amount of time. Some landlords or property management companies won't return deposits that were labeled as refundable.
Some landlords or property management companies will say the tenant damaged certain things when they didn't or it was simply normal wear and tear. If that's the case, those landlords or property management companies are breaking the law in Texas.
Tenant Has Responsibilities As Well
Remember, too, that you as the tenant have a set of responsibilities while living on that property. You'll have to take care of the lawn. You'll have to keep the house clean. You'll have to make sure that the walls, doors, and other structures inside and outside of the home are not purposely damaged.
You'll need to make sure the landlord or property management company is aware of any issues that occur inside and outside the home so they can be repaired.
If you are a tenant who is doing everything above to make sure the property and home you're renting is taken care of and you're paying rent on time, and your landlord or property management company isn't doing the seven things below, they could be breaking the law in Texas (
If Your Landlord Does Any of These 7 Things in Texas, They're Breaking the Law
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