Coach’s Wednesday Night, LIVE! Music Series Continues with Adam Brown
There's been a shift in the ETX live music scene as the Wednesday night acoustic shows at Cowboy's have moved over the swimming pool and across the patio to Coach’s Sports Bar -- oh, and we've got that earlier start time, 8 p.m.
There are 3 major differences:
- Location: Coach’s, the sports bar is located next door to the big club.
- Start Time: Show begins at 8 p.m. We heard y’all, you want an earlier start time, and we were happy to oblige.
- Food: There will be food! If you haven’t heard Coach’s is serving up some really good food, hot wings, delicious burgers and so much more.
Don’t worry there will still be BIG concerts at Cowboy’s - Frank Foster this Friday - but we are excited for this change, and judging from the response thus far, so is East Texas.
The Wednesday Night, LIVE! Music Series continues this week with East Texan, Adam Brown. Get there early, 8 p.m. start time and just $5 to get in.
- Wednesday March 16: Adam Brown (Coach's)
- Friday March 18: Frank Foster (Full Band at Cowboy’s).
- Wednesday March 23: The Statesboro Revue (Coach's).
- Wednesday March 30: Mike and The Moonpies (Coach's).
- Wednesday April 6: Curtis Grimes (Coach's).
- Wednesday April 13: Jon Wolfe (Coach's).
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