Texas is a big, beautiful state but don’t lose sight of the fact that crimes happen everywhere including in our own community. We are reminded of this just about every time we see most news programming or watch popular crime shows such as Dateline NBC or 20/20.

These programs highlight the worst of the worst crimes but there are some horrendous crimes that have taken place in East Texas that could be the focus of any of those crime shows.

Texas Death Penalty Crime

After learning about some of these horrible crimes that took place in Smith County, Texas thanks to the Texas Department of Justice website, the next thing that caught my attention is that some of these crimes are recent. We are fortunate to have great law enforcement officers who have been able to investigate each of the crimes listed below and hold the guilty person accountable for their actions after having their day in court.  

All Criminals Convicted of Very Violent Crimes 

Not everyone agrees with the death penalty, that is a personal choice. But I will say as you look through the crimes below and see what happened in these violent attacks. These might be the things that make you believe in the death penalty.   

Let’s Look at the Criminals Who Were Executed for Crimes Committed in Smith County, TX 

As a reminder to everyone that horrible crimes happen everywhere, here is a look at some of the most horrible crimes that have been committed in Smith County that resulted in the suspected.

11 Individuals Put to Death for Crimes in Smith County, Texas

Here is a list of people who have been executed because of horrible crimes they committed in Smith County, Texas

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

10 Must Try Italian Restaurants in Tyler, TX

Here is a list of some of the best Italian Restaurants around Tyler, Texas

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

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