Kevin Fowler Has Written His Biggest Hits on a 40 Year-Old $199 Guitar
Kevin Fowler's first guitar was a clearance guitar that his parents bought him in 8th grade. He still writes with it today. It has witnessed and helped inspire several Texas most prolific anthems.
"My parents bought me this guitar for my birthday in 8th grade. It was on “clearance” at the music store. I believe it was $199 or something like that. Which was a huge amount of money for my family. But my parents sacrificed to buy it. I’ve written most of the songs that we play in concert each night on this guitar. Beer, Bait and Ammo, 100%Texan, Ain’t Drinkin’ Anymore...... The list goes on and on. I doubt my parents had any idea where that $199 investment would take a poor kid from Amarillo, TX. I have plenty of nice guitars. But this will always be my most treasured. When people come to my house I think they wonder why I play a cheap old piece of junk. They just don’t know the story behind the guitar. I’ll always be grateful to my parents for sacrificing to buy me this old thang. It changed my life forever."
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