Koe Wetzel & Parker McCollum Set Out on 3rd Annual ‘Naughty or Nice’ Tour
Individually they are two of the hottest acts out of The Lone Star State, together they just might take it over. Texas barely survived 2018, Texas might not survive 2019. Today (Dec. 2), Koe Wetzel and Parker McCollum set out on their third annual Naughty or Nice Tour.
Parker is set to hit the road for select dates on Miranda Lambert's Wildcard Tour in the new year. Meanwhile his ol' pal Koe is set to announce several more of his signature Koe Wetzel's Incredible Music Festivals in 2020. But before all that, we celebrate Christmas for the third year in a row with two of your favorites together on one stage.
Get the Radio Texas, LIVE! app and stream Parker McCollum, Koe Wetzel, and all of your favorite Texas and Red Dirt music 24/7, commercial free, directly to your phone. Click here for IOS, or here for ANDROID.
Merry Christmas!