The 21 Best & Most Head Scratching Koe Wetzel Tweets of ’22… So Far
This October Radio Texas, LIVE! is proud to welcome Koe Wetzel, Nelly, and more to Tyler, TX for the inaugural Rose City Music Festival. It's gonna be HUGE.
But you know back when Koe made his debut on our show in '17, he wasn't quite a festival headliner yet. He did have something very special though, and it was easy to see that he was on the verge of a major break out.

So what's his secret? Simple, and it wasn't really ever much of a secret, from his music to his tweets, it's honesty. Uncontrived, unadulterated, this-is-who-I-am, take it or leave it, feral honesty. And, as it turns out, more people took it than left it.
That night, his first in my studio, I asked him about his massive underground Twitter following. Yeah, I asked him for Twitter tips. Here's what he said:
No filters, no filters at all," he shared, chuckling a bit. "People are either gonna laugh at you or they're gonna love it. Either way they're gonna retweet it.
Here we are over six years later and Koe is still subscribing to his own advice. There are zero filters when it comes to his music, tweets, and interactions. There's a refreshing level of integrity that comes with all of those cuss words and tattoos.
While we impatiently wait for him to drop his new album Hell Paso, you can check out my conversation with him from the studio back in January. That night we covered a lot of topics including drinking Ultras with the Nature Boy, the possibility of a future Post Malone collaboration, and even this bottle of MD 2020 that's been sitting in my office since 2018 waiting for the Dallas Cowboys to win the Super Bowl.
The 21 Best & Most Head Scratching Koe Wetzel Tweets of '22... So Far
Inaugural Rose City Music Festival Lineup
Nelly's Former Abandoned Mansion
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