Do you have windows in your door within 40 inches of your locks?
If this is the case, make sure you have a double sided deadbolt installed in that entrance.

If there are no windows in the door or next to the door, is there a wide angle viewer or voice intercommunication device?
If not install a scope/peep hole in your door.


Is your doorway concealed from the street or neighbors view by porch, fence or landscaping?
If so make sure to remove all obstructions to ensure visibility which helps to deter break-ins.

Do an of the upper floor windows open onto porch or garage roofs, or roofs adjoining buildings?
Add additional locks to secure those windows.

Are all garage doors lighted on the outside by at least a 40 watt light?
If not have an electrician install a proper bulb or fixture.

Why should I call a locksmith when I am locked out of my car?
If your like most people, you have a big investment in your automobile. In years gone by, almost anyone could open a locked car using only one tool. It only took a second or two.
Today however, auto makers have really tightened up the security of almost every car on the road. This means that a trained professional must have dozens of tools and techniques in order your car with no damage.

Today's locksmith owns hundreds of dollars worth of tools and books on car opening. That is why he or she must charge a fair price to open your car. When you call a locksmith a trained professional responds to your call. He or she arrives in a service vehicle stocked with thousands of dollars worth of tools and machinery, ready for any emergency.
In many towns, the police no longer will respond to lockouts unless it is a dire emergency. The more informed police departments do not want to risk doing hundreds of dollars of damage to your car. When you call the police, a tow truck driver, or any other unskilled person to unlock your risk unnecessary damage to your vehicle.

Police rarely have all the tools or special training needed to open your car without damage.
Locksmiths are trained professionals that use finesse, not force.
A botched car opening job can easily do $350.00 worth of damage to the inside of the door panel.

In a true emergency (child locked in car, etc.), call the police. Plus many locksmiths will open your car quickly, and at no charge.

What is a locksmith Association?
Locksmith Associations are organizations committed to safeguarding the trust society has placed in Security Professionals, and the Security Industry. This is pursued in a number of ways, varying from Association to Association and from State to State. Some principle ways are:

Accountability - through security checks, fingerprinting, background investigations, licensing, etc.

Training - through ongoing hands-on classes at the local, state and national levels, including Manufacturer and Distributor sponsored classes and seminars.

Education - through Association newsletters and National-level Journals, Books and Manuals.

What do I do If I lost my keys?
Call a locksmith. Locksmiths can generate new keys for most types of locks, this includes Autos, Motorcycle and ATV's as well as home locks.

What is a Master Key?
A Master Key is created when a group of locks are "custom" coded so each lock uses a different key, but a combination is "added" so one key will open all locks. It is a myth that there exists a particular Master Key that will open all locks. In order to Master-key a group of locks the locks must all be made by the same manufacturer or at least have "common" Keyways. In a group of locks that are Master-keyed (MK) each lock is operable by both it's own individual key and the Master-Key. Each individual key operates it's own lock only. The Master-Key operates all the locks in the group. Other systems are also possible using sub-Masters, Grand-Masters, etc.

Can a Locksmith cut a key from a number?
In many cases keys can be made by a Locksmith from the code number of a lock. This is common with vehicles, padlocks, filing cabinets, etc. Requiring proof of ownership before cutting a key by code is a standard procedure used by Security Professionals to safeguard security.

I want all of my locks on my house to take the same key, can this be done?
Yes, your locksmith can help you do this. In most cases you can keep your existing locks, you can have a locksmith code them alike. This is refered to "Keyed Alike". An easy test to see if your existing locks are able to be keyed alike, is to see if the one common key will enter the cylinders (keyway) on the other locks. Generally, if one common key will enter all locks, then they can all be "Keyed Alike". If your locks are not compatible, you may be able to use most of your locks, and need to purchase 1 or 2 to accomplish your goal. Consult with your locksmith, we can help get you on the right track, with a minimum amount of money spent.

Someone Has stolen my keys, I need to change my locks, Do I have to buy new locks?
No. You can have your locksmith "rekey your locks. Rekeying a lock is the process of replacing the tumblers (pins, wafer tumblers) of a lock cylinder with new tumblers of different sizes. A new key will coincide with the new tumblers and the old key will no longer work. In other words, it is not necessary to buy new locks. Re-keying locks is something that should be done if you have moved into a new residence or lost a set of keys. Most automobile locks can be Re-keyed as well. Re-keying locks is usually significantly less expensive than replacing locks.

I have a new car, It has some kind of security device built into the key, do I have to go to the dealer to get a copy?
NO. Most locksmiths can reproduce these keys. Including the latest high security vehicle keys. In nearly all cases, your locksmith will save you money over the dealer. Believe it or not, your locksmith is usually more familiar with, how these systems work, than your dealer. Also most locksmiths require that you purchase the keys from them. They do not cut keys from the internet..and special equipment is required by the locksmith to program the keys to the car and challenge codes needed to be input into the program to make the keys work properly.




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