The annual charity softball game and concert is promising to be even bigger and better than ever -- with an all-star lineup of musicians, professional athletes and celebrities.
They complain about not having wireless access and getting poor service, they vague-tweet about making big decisions without giving any actual details, they take private jet rides with political commentators and they root for the girl that gets dumped on The Bachelor...
What a week, huh? Let’s see, there were downed flies, birthday sing-a-longs, Reba marathons and much, much more. All of these random things led to lots of great Tweets and we've collected our favorites again this week below:
Ok, so I can't duck face, but I think we have perfected "The Selfie
As legend has it, or at least what was written on Facebook, back when were just "little baby tiny friends" Courtney Patton and Jamie Wilson stayed up real late and recorded a Steve Wariner song on a Flip camera.
And we are totally glad they did because now we have this little late-night Steve Wariner cover session from the two besties...
Jamie Lin Wilson has officially released her debut solo album "Holidays and Wedding Rings," which marks the first album release from one of 'The Trishas' since their hiatus. Wilson penned many of the songs, with the help of her friends:
If you haven't heard of the Southern Gospel Revival, well, you are certainly missing out. SGR's gives homage to the traditional southern gospel heritage:
Let's just get down to brass tacks. A solid female vocalist doing something against the grain seems to be a little harder to find than the latter. That makes sense though - they are gems after all. Bri Bagwell for example - wonderful vocalist, great writer, awesome performer.
Jamie Lin Wilson, one of the lovely ladies that make up The Trishas, launched her Pledge Music campaign this week for her first solo record! If you haven't heard this angel voice of hers, you are seriously missing out.