The Reason Why You See Fence Posts Painted Purple In Texas NowThe Reason Why You See Fence Posts Painted Purple In Texas NowKnow why not crossing a fence with purple paint on its posts in Texas could save you money and possibly your life.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
BEWARE: Going Past A Purple Fence Post In Texas Could Get You ShotBEWARE: Going Past A Purple Fence Post In Texas Could Get You ShotSee a purple fence post while out exploring? Best thing to do is turn around.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
The 8 Places That Are Off-Limits To Everyone in Texas For a FactThe 8 Places That Are Off-Limits To Everyone in Texas For a FactYou simply just can't go everywhere you want in Texas. There are some places that are just off-limits to the public.Lucky LarryLucky Larry