Texas Education Official Now Pushing For School Cell Phone Ban
I’ve talked to so many Texas parents over the past few years about their thoughts on cell phones being allowed in schools and I can promise you that everyone has their own opinion.
If you ask 20 people, will you get all different responses so it’s going to be difficult to find a solution that everyone is happy about? But the Texas Education Agency Commissioner Mike Morath made it very clear last week when he said next year lawmakers should ban the use of cell phones in public schools across the state.
According to NBCDFW, the reason for the ban is that Morath believes cell phones are “extremely harmful” to student progress.
As an adult, I can completely understand what the commissioner is saying as we all have been distracted by our phones at some point. And while you’re in school it would be easy to pay more attention to electronics than a teacher trying to go through their lesson plan.
Texas Schools Make Their Own Rules
There are some school districts in Texas that are banning phones from being used. Others have decided it’s okay to pass the time between classes and lunchtime. Over 72% of high school teachers believe cell phones are a major problem for distraction in the classroom.
Some Parents Want Phones for Safety
Some Texas parents argue that students should be allowed to have their phones so they can be contacted in case of an emergency, such as a school shooting.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
What do you think? Should Texas public schools ban the use of cell phones during school hours?