Willy Braun’s DIY Crown Royal Amplifier
Reckless Kelly's front man Willy Braun built a working amplifier out of left over Crown Royal bags & lids. Here's his official demo of the custom made gear on board the Tour Bus. It's another episode of our "RECKLESS KELLY / CROWN ROYAL CHRONICLES."
Posted by Texas Music TV on Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Did your amp break? Maybe you forgot it at home. Well, as long as you've got a surplus of Crown Royal purple bags, Reckless Kelly front man, Willy Braun, has the perfect solution to that predicament.
See there's more to these Idaho boys than kick ass music, and charity softball tournaments - Willy does sweet DIY projects, and has a spot-on Ray Benson impression.
Reckless Kelly's new single, "Real Cool Hand," is out to radio now.
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