American Aquarium are Back on ‘Last Call with Carson Daly’ Tonight
Tonight (October 4) our favorite North Carolinian, BJ Barham and his band American Aquarium will be back on Last Call With Carson Daly.
Last month the boys made their national telvesion debut, and it seems there was such a good response Carson Daly and the folks at Last Call thought they should air a couple more performances.
Because of the love and support y’all showed our national television debut last month ( ie: y’all shared the ever loving shit out of the links) the fine folks over at Last Call with Carson Daly are airing two new songs on tonight’s episode. Spread the word and set those DVR’s people. Thankful for such an amazing base of fans, family and friends. You guys are amazing.
Tune in tonight at 1:30am EST on NBC.