Bart Crow Announces a Social Media Hiatus
When Bart Crow stopped by the show earlier this month, we discussed his frustrations with social media. Not with "it" per say, but just how easily it's become to turn it on, to occupy time, to distract. It's become all consuming.
Well today Crow announced, on Facebook of course, that he will "step away from all my social media for a bit." We applaud you Bart. It has become far too easy of a diversion from life. His final post read:
Dear Friends, Fans, Lovers, & Haters-
I'm going to step away from all my social media for a bit. I think it's pathetically funny that I've allowed it to become a distraction but it is what it is. Last week I caught myself checking updates in the middle of a Crow 'Rasslin Match & that's not cool, my dooooders deserve my undivided attention when I'm home. Plus, equally as important I'm going to retreat & write you & I a new record to release later this year! I couldn't be more pumped!!! Oh & im gonna read some of the 40+ books #AmazonOneTouchPrime got me last year.So my amazing team of ladies will be handling all the socials for a spell....If you need me come out to a show & we'll kick it @ the merch table when it's over.
I love you all & cheers to an amazing 2017
~BC #spreadlove
Good on ya, Bart. We're looking forward to hearing how the black-out went, and the new music.
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