Brandon Jenkins Still in Critical Condition After Open Heart Surgery
Brandon Jenkins is doing better, but still in critical condition after complications from his heart surgery in Nashville on Tuesday, Feb. 20th. Here's the latest on The Red Dirt Legend, via The Jenkins Family.
From the Jenkins Family: Day 7, Tuesday, February 27. We start today’s update by saying God is good! We have been blessed with a beautiful day and sunshine!
Brandon is out of surgery. They are getting him set back up in his room. Which by the way, we got upgraded to considerably larger one to better accommodate his needs. Things went well in today’s procedure, he is resting comfortably. Doctor reported that he is happy with the progress, no matter how small it is. Brandon is still in very critical condition and heavily sedated - his chest is still open. As we have noted in previous updates, he will face a fourth surgery once he is strong enough to come off the heart support before they can close him up. His immune system is very vulnerable right now, so we will NOT be accepting visitors. Please continue to pray and encourage others to pray as well. We will stay the course of treatment for now allowing rest and healing and we will continue to update as time allows. #HeartsBeatForJenkins #TailLightsInABoomtown #BeTheRevival
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