Buc-ee's is a beloved pit stop for many Texans and non-Texans on a road trip. While Buc-ee's has a ton of fans, not everyone thinks Buc-ee's is worth it.

In the town of Palmer Lake, Colorado, a community meeting was held on December 3 to discuss the building of a Buc-ee's in their small town. The town would need to annex some land to do it. The residents of the town fought back hard, and sometimes aggressively, in that meeting.

Buc-ee's is Being Sued by a Town That Doesn't Want Them

Residents of Palmer Lake joined together and filed a lawsuit against their town alleging that representatives were not transparent with them about the annexation of land to build a new Buc-ee's.

The suit also alleges that city representatives did not follow proper procedures in discussing the land annexation.

Their claim states that the city held an executive session meeting on October 5, 2024, to discuss annexing the land. The meeting was not recorded and property owners were not properly notified about the plans (mysanantonio.com).

Palmer Lake's Response

The city said that at a meeting on December 12, 2024, the property had been approved for annexation but that the plan is not final. The resident group filing the lawsuit says that their mayor, Glant Havenar, violated their first amendment rights, deleted Facebook posts, threatened their group and other accusations.

This is an ongoing story and we will keep track to provide updates in the future if able.

Original Story from December 9, 2024

Buc-ee's opened its first store in Colorado in March of this year (2024). Fans of Buc-ee's, and those who had never experienced the store, lined to be the first one's inside. It was an exciting day for the city of Johnstown, Colorado.

That excitement led Buc-ee's to propose a second location in the state in the small town of Palmer Lake. However, residents of the small town, a population of around 3,000, are not happy about the proposed build and made it well known in a public meeting Tuesday, December 3.

Residents met at the Palmer Lake Elementary School cafeteria to hear about the proposed new location. At times, the meeting became hostile and very argumentative as the town folk let their displeasure be known to the Buc-ee's representatives on hand.

Their concerns were very valid as many wondered if it would shoot their property values up. Others didn't want the light pollution and the increased traffic. Several others worried about the area because of how dangerous it can get during a winter storm (gazette.com).

We don't desire your beaver nuggets. - Palmer Lake resident Alexandra Olivier

The residents of that area like to keep their small town just that, a small town. They have rejected other chain store proposals in the past. The city of Palmer Lake will discuss the proposal further at another meeting this Thursday, December 12, 2024. With the overall negative reaction to the Buc-ee's proposal, there may be a good chance of it not coming to that town.

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