Granger & Amber Smith Speak Out On Their Late Son’s Tragic Death and Legacy
The Smiths are truly one the most remarkable families you'll ever meet. In the face of debilitating tragedy they are standing up stronger than ever, together.
Last night Granger and Amber ended their nearly two week social media blackout with a video and post to fans outlining exactly how they plan to live without their youngest son, River, and to share the enduring legacy he left behind.
"Love those close to you. Soak up those moments. Live for today, live in the present because we are not guaranteed tomorrow." - Granger Smith
From Granger's official Facebook page: “We’ve been on quite the journey these past few weeks. I’ve been dark on social media, but I still have a full understanding of the responsibility placed upon me as a public figure. I can choose to snuff that influence, or instead use my platform (in relevancy big or small) towards what I believe is right. I believe I’m obligated on certain levels to include you guys in my current journey, as I’ve been involved either personally or musically in yours.
The finality and mortality brought on by death makes life feel fragile. It can weaken, terrify and separate those close to it. But it can also awaken us. It can remind us never to take a moment with those we love for granted. In my house, we have united stronger and closer than we’ve ever been. We’ve cried. We’ve smiled. I’ve held my family tight. I’ve found strength from God and used that in the face of adversity so that my wife and children can rely on me. I’ve guarded my heart and my mind during weak moments and graciously accepted all of the encouragement and empathy from so many. I have realized that I will not slave over a search for answers, but instead for meaning. I will focus and then cultivate the light from a dark place, the good from the bad, God’s will from my own plans. I can rest assured knowing that River’s assignment on earth was always intended for 1116 days and not only did he live it to the fullest, but he lived it loved by so many, including a mother, father, sister and brother who held nothing back and have no regrets on how much he felt that love. We should all be so blessed to be able to live like Riv.“
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