Roger Creager + Fans Set World Record
Texans know Roger Creager for his lively shows and good timin' music. Today the Guinness Book of World Records will know him as the man who orchestrated the largest river float, ever.
While the new record still isn't official, it's all but been set. On Saturday (7/26), Creager and his people, unofficially surpassed the previous record by around 700 tubers -- just waiting on formalities.
I've been all over America, and everywhere you go, it seems like fun on the rivers in the summertime is universal," he said. "In Texas, I think we take it to another level.
He also told them he wants the world to recognize just how seriously Texans take tubing.
Creager said the previous record was about 260 people floating together in Minnesota. The singer had 1,000 wristbands printed, and they went fast. In order to break the record, the tubes had to be tied together and float for at least five minutes.
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