Top Five: The Best Pat Green Songs Of-All-Time
He was the undisputed king of Texas Country before there was even a crown to wear. Pat Green blazed his own trail to Nashville through Texas, and back again. He experienced a level of success most bands never will. Every band with a bus or van touring around Texas, has already sent him a "thank you" note, and a six-pack of Lone Star beer. The man is the GOAT.
Now, wait. Before we get into this list, everyone promise to not get upset, okay? Don't be angry if your song isn't on it and vow to delete our app and never listen to Radio Texas LIVE! again, have sympathy on us. This was very tough to whittle down to only five songs.
So keep in mind, while rage scrolling, that being just five songs, it leaves zero room for several all-time greats including: "Southbound 35," "Crazy," "Songs About Texas," and "Take Me Out to a Dance Hall." Each of which could've easily made the cut.
Oh, also, you will not find any songs off his Songs We Wished We Written I, or II albums. But you will get five great songs, their greatness, of course, open to personal interpretation, including the best album cut ever, never released.
5. "Three Days"
4. "Nightmare"
3. "Let Me"
2. "Wave on Wave"
1. "Carry On"
There's out list. Which songs make yours?