Individually they each front successful touring bands. Collectively, however, Josh Abbott, William Clark Green, John Baumann, and Cleto Cordero are The Panhandlers.

I wrote it for my fiancée," says Cordero. "I was trying to imagine this kind of a rugged character who's beautiful but so hard to figure out. It's a west Texas love song, I guess.

Today Billboard debuted the second song from the Texas super group. The new song titled "Cactus Rose" was written by Cleto Cordero and Josh Abbott.

"We all went to Marfa for a little songwriting retreat and were like, 'Let's just try and write some songs for it' and most of the songs we wrote out there ended up being 95% of the whole record," Cleto Cordero of Flatland Cavalry tells Billboard. "It's been a really cool process to start from an idea to a record and going and playing with all those guys -- and fun, too. The whole process has been authentic and organic, and that's what we were hoping for. It's not really big and polished, but I think it's music that's good for the soul."

Their self-titled debut album, produced by Bruce Robison, will be out on March 6th. The lead single “No Handle” is out to Texas radio now. Be listening for it Saturday nights on Radio Texas, LIVE! and 24/7 through your free Radio Texas, LIVE! app. Download the app now on IOS here or ANDROID here.

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