Mike and The Moonpies, John Baumann Collaborate on ‘Country Music’s Dead’
It's one of the strongest songs released this fall; Mike and the Moonpies and John Baumann collaborating on "County Music's Dead" will leave you pining for yesterday.
“This song is about being yourself and staying in your lane,” says Harmeier. “I think [John] Baumann, Adam [Odor] and myself all know exactly who we are and what we love to do and will pursue that end no matter the cost.”
The new track was written and recorded several months after Mike and the Moonpies forthcoming album ‘Steak Night at the Prairie Rose’ (February 2) so it won’t be included on their new release. “This song came from the need to fan the creative fire and create something with Adam [Odor] again“ explains Harmeier. “We wanted to make a statement about how real country records are still being made and how the bands making that music can still be found playing to ten people in some dive bar. The real deal is still out there, you just have to look for it and support it.”