The Ultimate Texas & Red Dirt Conversion Playlist
For me it was Pat Green "Carry On." My introduction into the Texas scene was unexpected, fast, life changing, and all thanks to a dude I waited tables with at the Jalapeno Tree named Scott.
Thanks, Scott.
Over the weekend we posed a question on social media, "What was the song that brought you to love Texas & Red Dirt music?" The answers rolled in Saturday afternoon, they continued that night, and all day Sunday. To date, we've fielded over 400 responses.
What may be the coolest thing about the response to the question is that it shows pretty much everyone recalls the first song they heard that turned them onto the Texas / Red Dirt scene.
If you're interested we put together a Spotify playlist with all of the responses, The Texas & Red Dirt Conversion. Share it with your friends and let's change some more lives. Remember to always pay it forward.
And, hey, if we need to add some more songs, just let us know.
Be sure to download the all new Radio Texas, LIVE! app to hear these songs and the rest of your favorites streamed nonstop and commercial free directly through your smartphone. Click here for ANDROID, or here for IOS.
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