So, this is an annual event each fall in Midland, TX. The corn maze at Fiddlesticks Farm welcomes visitors from across West Texas hoping to find their way through its corn maze, and every year they carve a different theme into the corn field.

Earlier this week dozens of people posted their guesses at this year's theme on the Fiddlesticks Farm Facebook. Folks guessed pumpkins, ghosts, we even saw a llama in there -- but no one saw the Honky Tonk Kid coming.

For this year’s corn maze design, we chose to use the likeness of Texas country music artist, Aaron Watson.

Aaron is an artist that our whole family enjoys, especially our 3 boys. He is a family man with wholesome Christian values who always seems to have a positive influence on the crowd!

Aaron’s face is carved into our 15-acre corn maze. There are 3 different phases of the maze to make up the entire image. One phase is 45 minutes, the 2nd is about 30 minutes and the last is our Fairy Tale Trail which is only about 10-15 minutes.

The gates open for Season 11 on Saturday September 29th at 10:00am! Visit us at for more details!!!

Y'all wonder if Watson, who lives just about 150 miles away outside Abilene, will make drive to take in the view, and perhaps try his chances at solving the maze.

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